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“Covid: Reactivated My Brain!”

“Covid: Reactivated my Brain!”


L.T. Force, Ph.D.


Last Wednesday, in the early AM I woke up in “Covid-Land”. On many fronts - it changed my life.

Over the last week I had been traveling. Yes, I like others have been reading newspaper accounts about the upswing of Covid cases. I had read this variant seemed to be more contagious. I also had conversations with family members and friends that the re-occurrence of Covid - was similar in nature to a “common cold”. And then Wednesday around 3am - “my internal doorbell rang”and it was the return of Covid….and with it….it brought all of the accompaniments, i.e.,  cough, fever, chills and body aches. Over the next few days, with my wife at my side, I did what was expected - I called my doctor, (he didn’t recommend the use of Paxlovid - yes, it may reduce the symptoms by a day - but there was also exposure to unnecessary side effects) so I got extra sleep and rest, isolated, increased my intake of fluids, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Magnesium - and I am feeling much better. However, something else happened this time with Covid. This time, yes I knew, and was aware, of the drill (I have been vaccinated, I did have Covid once before - and during that time I followed the original protocol guidelines - two week isolation….etc.). But things have changed now - the recommended protocols are different now and I have changed, as well.

By nature and constitution, I am an advocate - both personally and professionally. From my perspective, this recent experience with Covid - Reactivated my Brain! It gave me time to think….in the present moment. It gave me time to reflect, pray and realize that I have been putting some things off….things, tasks, causes ….etc….. acting like they didn’t exist….and not paying attention to what needs to be done.

Advocacy is a gift that benefits…. both self and others. This experience with Covid has given me a refocus. In fact, Covid - reactivated my Brain…..and like that rocket above….launching, returning to space….and ready to explore new frontiers ….Covid has refocused my attention on unfinished business and the exploration of new advocacy domains!



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