Head Shift: The Power of the “Psychological Reframe!”

Head Shift: The Power of the “Psychological Reframe!”
L.T. Force, Ph.D.
I have two friends who recently were diagnosed with a form of Vertigo. We talked about - the moment without notice, for both of them, their worlds were not as transparent and predictable as it used to be. I’ve heard from people who have been diagnosed with Vertigo that it could take days….weeks…months to regain a sense of equilibrium. But both of my friends gave a similar account: “that all of sudden out of nowhere - it was like a quick head motion a: “Head Shift” - and everything had reset.
My question is: “Is there a possibility for this type of: “Head Shift” - the possibility when one is addressing mental health concerns of despair, depression and anxiety....for a quick reset?” My answer is: “I believe it is possible - everything is possible….and I do believe this is possible”.
I’m not a practitioner of long-term psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic therapy could last for years 2 to 3 times per week - with a focus on insight dream analysis, review of the past…. and then a further deep-dive in a review of the past with the belief that patterns of adult behavior can be buried from childhood experiences.. Freud himself believed that a therapist, a good therapist, would only see possibly 100 patients in their whole professional career.
When I was completing my graduate training in psychology - it was recommended that students engage in long-term psychotherapy - if you were going to practice it. Based upon my own life events, I did engage in long-term psychotherapy for over 2 1/2 years. The sessions included a review of the week…. review of the month…. review of my life patterns…. of dreams and interpretation of what those dreams might be. One day, I was sitting in the session and it hit me: “there’s always more mud underneath the mud and the further I go in this long-term psychotherapy paradigm… the longer it’s going to take for me to get back to the surface…. to where I am”. And at that point, I decided to disengage from long-term psychotherapy. Since that time, my training has been focused on a short-term “Task Centered” approach - a “Here and Now” approach - combining both a behavioral paradigm with that of a cognitive school of thought. Across time I continued to practice this approach, however, I was open to learn about and explore different paradigms and approaches. And then I was introduced to the world of: “Solution Focused Brief Psychotherapy (SFBT)”: https://www.sfbta.org.
As I tell people: “when my friend Joel Simon introduced me to this world of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)….it was like somebody had opened up a window and let sunshine and fresh air in…. because my paradigm and focus of practice changed from a problem-oriented modality to a solution-focused modality”. In my practice, I also include sessions of clinical hypnotherapy - with a focus on the power of relaxation breathing techniques - coupled with the power of imagery. A self-induced experience, guided by the Therapist - but generated by the individual - can lead to a very powerful outcome. I also strongly encourage the utilization of Complimentary Approaches (Life Coaches, Reiki Practitioners, Energy-Healers, Yoga Masters, Massage Practitioners, Breath-Work, Hypnotherapy…. etc.) to accompany the presence of “Talking Therapy”. (A web-based platform supporting Complimentary Care Therapists Worldwide can be found at Pacifyr: www.pacifyr.com).
Fast forward to today, I tell my clients in our initial meeting…. which I call a landscape session (where you’re getting a sense of what’s what and what the concerns are that guided a person into psychotherapy). I tell my clients: “I’m not your hero…. I can’t fix you…. the reason I can’t fix you is because you’re not broken….. because we all have stuff and I do believe (and I share this with my clients and my students) that the best therapist you can find is one you forget ….because you have reinserted yourself back into the rhythm of your own life”.
Here is the thought….a defining moment: “If a person wants to change - they need to act like they want to change. Psychotherapy is wonderful….it is a useful investment of time and resources,, however, there is a life….and it’s your life…. beyond the role of psychotherapy. Could there be a “psychological reset” in the area of mental health….a “Head Shift” leading to wellness ….as both of my friends described with their quick reset from the experiences of Vertigo - a Mental Health “Head Shift”. I do believe it is possible….I think people can reset ….and reset immediately.
The power of the reframe is…. instantly in a moment…. you can immediately start to look at your world differently….. perceive the things around you in a different fashion…. and shift from looking at things…. that have an interpretation of being negative…. being burdensome....to rather becoming understandable ….positive, comfortable, powerful and accepting. How does this happen? I don’t know - just as my friends with Vertigo speak of a: “Head Shift” they don’t know how it happened - however, it did happen, it can happen and it does happen. Maybe it‘s the work you have put in to it….for this: ”Head Shift” to occur….maybe it’s that you are being guided by your spiritual faith, your prayer life and your beliefs and your openness that: “everything passes”. However you arrived here…. the: “Psychological Head Shift and Reframe” is truly a gift….be open to it!
© 2022 L.T. Force, Ph.D.