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When is Self-Help….enough Help? Answer: Never!

When is Self-Help enough Help? Answer: Never!


L.T. Force, Ph.D.


When is Self-Help enough Help? Answer: Never!

I have come to this conclusion - as a result of my work as a: “researcher, practitioner and a member of the ‘lived - experience’ in the arena of Adulthood”.

Let’s go to your local Bookstore or Library. Better yet, let’s go to my own Personal Bookshelf in my office. What are you going find in each of those settings? In the local Bookstore or Library you will find rows of books addressing topics and themes of : “psychological self-development, self-help books or self-development, self-improvement, adult motivation, personal growth and the psychological aspects of adult theory and development”…. etc. Regarding my own personal book collection - you will find a mirror image of these volumes - with one addition - “Now, I have these works stored electronically as well, in the form of: e-books, audio-books and podcasts”. Why? because I am a believer in “life-long learning” and I don’t think our quest for: “growth, development and learning is ever over”. I believe it is part of the: “Human strive forward".

I have arrived at this conclusion from: “listening to the stories of my clients, the voices of my students….and my own internal voice”. People, myself included, seem to be driven by a desire to be: “better…. than we are now…. we are in a life-long quest for change”. Further evidence of this drive for: “self-improvement and change” is validated by: “the enormity of the: Worldwide Self-Improvement Industry ($48.1+ Billion Dollars)“. Coupled with the fact, each year in the United States 15,000 self-improvement books are published - highlights the interest and focus we have on “Self-Help”. Here is a quick profile of the demographics:

Top Self-Help Industry Statistics

  • Deepak Chopra has a net worth of $150 million.

  • 12 of the 17 most prominent motivational speakers are 60 or older.

  • Approximately 75 million millennials worldwide use self-help services.

  • Most motivational speakers are men. The health, gym, and fitness club market is worth $37 billion.

  • Women make up three quarters of the overall self-help book readers.

  • 0.8% of the people interested in self-help want to learn about stress management.

With the advent of Digital Mental Health and Wellness Platforms (DMHWP’s) - these demographics listed above and the: ‘users of service‘ will continue to multiply exponentially.

One such platform that I am particularly fond of is: Pacifyr (Transforming Emotional, Mental Health and Wellness Globally): (I like the focus of Pacifyr on: : "Complementary and Holistic Care Providers").

The question: “When is Self-Help enough Help?”

The answer: Maybe it’s never enough…. and that’s obvious….and that’s good!



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